Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (2024)

This post will examine the current state of mobile apps vs mobile web usage, other key statistics around how we use mobile apps today, and everything else you need to know about mobile apps vs mobile websites in 2024.

The rise of mobile over desktop as today's consumers' device of choice has been well-documented. Receiving far less attention is the internal battle of the mobile device - mobile apps vs mobile websites.

The question is no longer whether you need to optimize your website for mobile. That's a given. The mobile internet is here to stay. Today's question is whether you need to go further, and launch an app, or whether you are fine in only having a responsive mobile website.

Keep reading for the full picture, or check out the video below for a summary on the key points ahead.

People Spend 90% of their Mobile Time Using Apps (and Other Key Statistics)

We'll start by sharing some of the most interesting and useful statistics on mobile apps vs mobile websites.

If we look at the average time spent on apps, they are the clear winner over mobile websites.

Mobile app use is increasingly outpacing mobile browser use. According to eMarketer, smartphone users spent about 4 hours on the internet per day in 2020. 88% of that time is spent using apps, vs websites.

Experts suggest that this is due to the better user experience offered by a mobile app, tailored specifically for mobile devices.

“An app provides a direct access point from the home screen of a mobile device, and a native app experience is typically slicker and faster than a comparable web experience”
- eMarketer principal analyst Cathy Boyle.

Average time spent on mobile apps has increased by up to 50% in the last two years

Data shows that app usage is only increasing in almost all major markets.

The chart below, via mobile app analytics firm, shows that people around the world spend on average 3-5 hours per day using mobile apps. In most locations, this number has gone up over the course of two years.

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (1)

The largest increase is in Australia, where time spent on apps has grown by 50% over two years - from just over 3 hours per day, to 5 hours per day.

Some highlights from other major markets include:

  • United States: 5% increase (~4 hours per day)
  • United Kingdom: 5% increase (~4 hours per day)
  • Singapore: 40% increase (~5.25 hours per day)
  • Indonesia: 10% increase (~5.5 hours per day)
  • India: 5% increase (~5 hours per day)
  • Canada: 20% increase (~4.5 hours per day)

These figures are significantly ahead of eMarketer's 2022 projections, as seen in the earlier chart. Apps are growing at a faster rate than experts predicted, taking market share from both desktop and mobile websites in the process.

More Than 100 Billion Hours is Spent Each Year in ECommerce Apps

Shopping apps are flying - we now spend over 100 billion hours per year using ecommerce apps.

That time has more than doubled in the space of three years, and only continues to rise.

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (2)

Mobile Apps Convert and Engage Users More than Mobile Websites

Conversion rates, engagement and key metrics are higher across the board for mobile apps vs mobile websites. Here are some of the key figures:

  • Users view 4.2x more products per session on mobile apps vs mobile sites.
  • Conversion rates on apps are 3x higher than mobile websites.
  • Entertainment apps convert 233% higher than mobile web in the same industry.
  • Travel apps convert 220% higher.
  • Retail apps convert 94% higher.
  • On-demand apps convert 307% higher.
  • Overall, apps average 157% higher conversion rates than mobile websites.

Data sourced from reports from Criteo/Button.

Apps vs Websites: Why People Prefer to Use Apps

When it comes to how we consume content on mobile devices, the overwhelming trend points towards mobile apps as the winner over mobile websites.

Let's look at why that is.

More Features

Whilst mobile apps can make use of all the different functions on your phone, a mobile website is far more limited. Essentially, this means a mobile app is able to offer a level of interaction far beyond the capabilities of its competitors.

GPS, camera and notifications are just some of the mobile features that apps can access, and as mobile technology develops, this list will too.

With apps making full use of push notifications, is it any surprise users are consuming more and more information via apps? The moment you hit publish, all mobile app users can receive a notification. A few seconds and one tap later, and they can all be enjoying your content. Mobile websites can't compete with that.

Faster Speed

Because mobile apps are downloaded and installed on your device, users find them significantly quicker to run, compared to a mobile website.

Rather than having to load up all the different images and functions, as you would with a mobile website, the mobile app simply pulls everything up from files that already exist on the device.

With load times diminished, users have more time to sit back and enjoy the app in the way it was intended. An added benefit of having everything downloaded is that users don't necessarily need an Internet connection to use your app. In fact, download enough content and your app can be 100% functional offline.

User Experience

Some mobile websites can be rather confusing. If a site isn't optimized for your device, it can feel like you're navigating a minefield.

In general, mobile apps are far more user friendly than mobile websites, as the interface has been specifically designed with mobile users in mind.

Mobile apps offer a simple layout, clear visuals and even tutorials for first-time user. All of which make using them that much easier. Providing your app users with an enjoyable experience will keep them in the app for longer and reflect well on your business.

Built for Touch Screens

While responsive web design has come a long way, you're still likely to run into trouble optimizing your mobile site for touch screens.

All too often, users mean to tap on one element but the browser selects something else. Dropdowns and text input fields can also be troublesome to use, especially when they've been designed primarily for use on desktop.


An app stores your details, your usage history and your settings behind one convenient little button on your home screen. This means apps will always be the most convenient option.

With mobile apps, users can choose to remain signed in. They don't need to manually login on an unfriendly mobile design every time they want to use their favorite apps. A mobile website generally doesn't offer this level of simplicity in the user experience.

And because your app can make use of the different features on your phone, an app offers the potential to centralize a number of different functions in one place, something that the mobile web doesn't offer effectively.

Additional Benefits of Having a Mobile App vs Mobile Website for Brands

The improved user experience is a big plus for brands. It's in your interest for your site (or app) to be easier and less troublesome for people to use.

On top of that, there are a few more big benefits of mobile apps for businesses, compared to mobile websites.

A Self Contained Environment

On mobile website, you're only in control of the content on your own site. The moment you link elsewhere - as you'll be expected to - that control is gone.

With a mobile app, the developer can ensure that everything a user could possibly need is contained within the confines of the app.

When you control everything a user is able to see when using your app, it's much easier to ensure all content is up to your own standards. It's also much easier to keep the user's attention, without that attention deviating to new tabs and other websites.

Brand Presence

When someone closes their mobile web browser, your website is gone from their mobile device.

When a user closes your mobile app, your brand remains on their device's home screen. This means that your website visitors can be reminded of your brand, more than they would otherwise. By putting your brand in front of your website visitors or customers more often, they are more likely to open your app!

Your brand will also be present on mobile app stores such as the iOS and Android Play store. This provides an entirely new channel to raise your brand awareness, and attract new visitors and customers to your app!

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (3)

Push Notifications

We touched on how mobile apps allow full use of mobile push notifications. This is a big benefit for brands, and should not be ignored.

According to one study, push notifications average 20% open rates and 28% click-through rates. Compare that to 2.1% open rates and 1% click-through rates for email.

Push is, simply put, an incredible communication channel. They're more direct than email and social media, and are easier to personalize. The difference this can make for brands in all industries - from online stores to publishers - is immense.

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (4)

Should Your Business Build a Mobile App or a Website?

So, with all the data on the average time spent on apps, as well as the clear benefits for both users and brands, does that mean a business in 2024 should build an app instead of a mobile website?

While apps are definitely more effective with mobile users, there's no need to choose one or the other. The best strategy is to have both.

A mobile app helps you boost engagement for mobile users, and build a loyal customer base. But you still need a well-optimized, responsive mobile website. Your website serves new users who find you from Google, or who are not quite ready to download your app.

Using the right mobile app technology, you can maintain an app and a website, with a consistent UX across both platforms, without significant investment or adding much to your workflow.

This is a winning strategy for brands in 2024, allowing them to capture the massive popularity of apps vs websites.

How to Convert Your Mobile Website to an App

If you already have a mobile website, you don't need to build a new platform from scratch. It's easy to convert what you already have into a mobile app, and enjoy the best of both worlds - without the time, money and hassle of launching a custom-built app.

This is what MobiLoud does for you. It converts your website into an app that you can publish in the app stores, and users can download onto their own devices.

The your app and mobile website will be fully synced. Update anything on your site, and your app updates at the same time.

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (5)

This app gives you 95% of what a custom native app does, with the added benefits:

  • Faster to launch. Instead of waiting 6-9 months, you can launch your app in under a month.
  • More affordable. The cost of building a native app ranges from $20,000 to over $150,000 (for each operating system). And that's not including the cost of maintaining your app, which runs into the tens of thousands per year. MobiLoud apps cost as little as 1-2% of this.
  • Synced with your mobile website. No additional platform to manage, no need to reinvent the wheel. Use everything that already works on your website.
  • No coding, no project management required. You don't need to hire and/or manage developers. We do all the heavy lifting under the hood.
  • Service, maintenance and updates included. Our team provides all of this. You focus on growing your brand.

Wrapping Up: Convert Your Website to an App Today

Today's consumers are not just mobile-crazy. They're app-crazy. People prefer to consumer content or interact with brands on apps, which the data backs up.

The mobile strategy from top brands today includes both a mobile website and a mobile app. They acquire new users via their website, before converting them into loyal app users.

It's never been easier and more accessible to launch your own app. MobiLoud makes the process simple, no matter what platform your website is built on

It's perfect for WordPress sites, WooCommerce Stores, Shopify stores, sites built on Squarespace, Webflow, React, Laravel, PHP and much more.

Book a free consultation with one of our app experts to learn more about how easy it is to level up your mobile user experience, and take your brand to the next level.

Mobile Apps Vs Mobile Websites - What's the Best Choice in 2024? (2024)


Which is better mobile app or mobile website? ›

Apps can work faster than websites. A well-designed mobile app can perform actions much quicker than a mobile website. Apps usually store their data locally on mobile devices, unlike websites that generally use web servers. For this reason, data retrieval happens swiftly in mobile apps.

What is more relevant nowadays, mobile apps or websites? ›

Mobile app use is increasingly outpacing mobile browser use. According to eMarketer, smartphone users spent about 4 hours on the internet per day in 2020. 88% of that time is spent using apps, vs websites.

Is it better to create a website or an app? ›

Unless you have a mobile-based start-up, developing a website first, is the way to go, rather than spending some significant part of your budget in making a mobile app. Instead, you can try to make your website more user-friendly or even pay extra to make it rank up on the Search Engines.

Will mobile apps replace websites? ›

No. Although the market for mobile applications is increasing every year, they will not completely replace websites, there will always be a space for both to shine because they cover different user needs.

Which is safer mobile app or website? ›

Compared with apps, websites “cannot spy or track you as easily nor access confidential information without permission,” said Chester Wisniewski, a digital security specialist with Sophos.

What is an advantage that a mobile website has over a mobile app? ›

Advantages of a Mobile Website vs.

This is because a mobile website has a number of inherent advantages over apps, including broader accessibility, compatibility and cost-effectiveness. A mobile website is instantly accessible to users via a browser across a range of devices (iPhone, Android, BlackBerry, etc).

Do you need a website if you have an app? ›

While having a mobile app for your company is a terrific way to interact with clients and broaden your reach, a website for your app is just as crucial. A website may help you reach a broader audience and serves as a central hub where your consumers can access all the information they want about your company.

Is it more expensive to build an app or website? ›

The average cost to build website ranges from $2000 to $100,000. The average cost to develop an app ranges from $100,000 to $500,000. The cost of your project will also depend on the number of hours required to complete it. The average web development project takes between 200 and 400 hours to complete.

What are the disadvantages of apps compared with websites for mobile users? ›

One primary drawback is the significant investment required for their development. Unlike mobile websites, which can adapt across platforms with relative ease, mobile apps demand custom development for each operating system.

Will websites become obsolete? ›

While alternative platforms are growing in popularity, websites are not going away anytime soon. Web development trends are adapting to new technologies, such as chatbots, voice assistants, and PWAs, to remain relevant and accessible to users.

What is replacing websites? ›

Conversational apps are the new websites. Messaging apps are on track to rival web browsers, the main point of contact between brands and their customers. Instead of opening Google Chrome to go online, we'll simply open WhatsApp. Instead of pulling up a fashion retailer's website, we'll message them.

Are mobile apps declining? ›

In 2023, the average smartphone user will install 18.5 apps, down 2.5 apps since 2020. Users are also opening fewer apps because they can do more with each one.

Should I start with web app or mobile app? ›

Bootstrapping or limited budget: Start with a web app for faster development and lower costs. You can consider a mobile app later as your business grows. Longer development timelines and bigger budgets: If resources allow, you can develop both a web app and a mobile app for comprehensive reach and user experience.

What are the benefits of mobile version of website? ›

10 benefits of a mobile website
  • Most people have chosen mobile. ...
  • Most of a site's web traffic comes from a mobile device. ...
  • Mobile users behave differently. ...
  • Mobile users are bigger buyers. ...
  • Mobile users have lots on the go. ...
  • Mobile landing pages require different strategies. ...
  • Google favours mobile responsiveness.
Aug 12, 2021

Are Web apps better than apps? ›

A typical native app performs better and can accommodate richer content than a similar web app. However, a native app can only run either on an Android phone or an iOS device. On the other hand, a web app can run on almost any device as long as the phone has a compatible browser.

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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

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Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.